Monday, August 31, 2009

Gala 2009

Black Belt and Beyond
June 25, 2009
12 th
Annual Summer Gala

Dear Parents, Students, and Friends:
Welcome to our 12th

Annual Summer Gala. On behalf of my wife, the
Mastermind Team, the Board of Directors, the Core Team, and the
Support Team, I thank you for your attendance this evening. Because
of you, Kingdom Karate World Group has become one of the most
passionate and fast-growing organizations in America, dedicated to
student excellence and leadership.
Our theme this year is Black Belt and Beyond! Let’s enjoy a night
dedicated to those who have taken on the pursuit of excellence. Share
the excitement with your
children and your family as we
celebrate this momentous
Let this be, not only an
evening of reflection and
appreciation for what God has
done in our lives so far, but
also an opportunity to see how
hard work and determination
can bring you to success.
We hope this evening is a
memorable one for you and
your family. I invite you
tonight to meet and greet your
fellow classmates, as you all
experience the recognition,
promotions, growth, vision,
and fellowship of Kingdom
Karate World Group.
All to the Glory of our Lord
Jesus Christ!
Shihan Di-Cervo

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