Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kingdom Karate World Group Work-out Tips

Remember that health and fitness are 90% eating habits and only 10% exercise habits.
Work-out tips
Do not eat two hours prior to work-out
In order to burn calories and fat, you have to reach your target heart rate. Work yourself up to a good pace and stay there. Avoid starting and stopping and starting and stopping.
Get a work-out partner in the class who can push you and you can push in return.
Dietary Tips
Do not eat any food three hours before going to sleep. Otherwise, all the food you eat prior to bed will turn to fat overnight.
Eat food in small portions and spread out through-out the day instead of big meals. This gives your body time to burn off all the calories you just ate before eating again. (eat 6 meals a day)
Avoid foods that are greasy, fried or salty. Be careful of any food high in carbohydrates.
Only drink 8oz of water before bed.
Eat yellow rice rather than white rice.
Avoid eating any fruits after four o'clock in the afternoon.
Your goal in eating shouldn't be to finish the plate, but rather to enjoy it. If you feel full, that means you have overeaten.
Drinking a glass of water before eating can help you feel full without the unnecessary calories.
Avoid eating wide variety of foods at the same meal as this causes the tendency

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