Thursday, February 5, 2009

10 Tips to Live Well

1. More laughter in your life
Humility, humor
It adds life — 8 years more.
2. Get a pet / hobby
Dog — Unconditional acceptance
Fish — Peaceful swimming lowers stress
Exercise — Anti-aging process. Beta endorphins levels go up, gives a natural high.
Cry often — Increases beta endorphins and takes out stress hormones in body. Add 1–2 years more.
3. Eat fruits and vegetables
Tomatoes (lidocaine = antioxidant) — fights byproduct of oxidation to cancer. Prostate. Add 2–8 years more.
4. Have sex two times per week at least
Frequency of ejaculation avoids prostate cancer. (Marriage is wonderful.) Sex is also a health enhancing cancer preventive. Remember you are whole without sex, until you get married. NO SEX UNLESS MARRIED. Add 2–8 years more.

Come back for the rest

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