Monday, April 4, 2011

Value of early training in Karate

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The Value of Early Training

To the parents of

Welcome to EFC Black Belt Schools. We have developed this special program to provide your child with the following benefits:

The emphasis of our program is on developing discipline and courtesy in the child. Respect is a vital aspect of Martial Arts, with bowing to all higher belts and obeying the teacher's instruction without question.

The program builds confidence and character and the ability to stand up to peer pressure as well as other intimidating situations.

The movement of Martial Arts develops coordination and increase strength and flexibility, which is very important during the growth years.

Awarding the child with higher belts gives him a sense of accomplishment. We keep this very much in mind. Because the length of time for achieving belts can be from three to six month, we award stripes on the belt for each attendance. Training for tests and passing them enhances the child's ability to concentrate, plan for and triumph over learning hurdles. Preparing for tests reinforces good study habits in school.

Martial Arts instruction also involves free-style competition (sport martial arts). This helps develop a sense of fair play in a controlled competetive situation.

The foundation of Martial Arts is its self-defense value. However, we are careful to teach children that Martial Arts are not to be used outside of the Martial Arts classroom in any manner other than true self-defense. The result is a self-confident child, who does not need to be bully or show off to other children.

And finale, Martial Arts is good, clean fun for kids and a great way to burn off extra energy.

If you have any questions, feel free to talk to me or any instructor. We believe strongly in the value of our program for all ages, especially for the young, who can benefit from Martial Arts the rest of their lives.
(name of school)

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