Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ideas for KKWG 2010

Ideas for KKWG

*Have a demo with new teachers and invite all parents and community
*Inform instructors by saying—I want you guys to put on a really nice show if you want to have friends join you in the demo that’s fine also. You get to decide what and how to do it.
MAYBE- tell instructors they can have the students learn something and put a show for the parents w/in a week
Have balloon w/ Kingdom Karate written on it
? Give new students free t-shirt
*Do a background check of employees to inform parents who may be concern
*Inform parents that instructors are employees of BOE

*Put a sofa area for parents /cushion for the benches
*Big sign informing the community and parents of free WiFi, put Kingdom Karate as the password for free WiFi
*Update WiFi for the school
*New Flyer-
Unemployed. Looking for a job. Need to get in shape. Get an edge.
Can’t afford a physical trainer.
Come join our club for 2 months Free ? 2x a week

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