Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sensei Kassie L. Diaz-Cervo

Sensei Kassie is a 2
Degree Black
Belt who has been training in the
Martial Arts since she was a baby. She
is the Head Instructor of the Kid-Zone
and a member of the Core Team. Her
ability to connect with her students
and to deal with people has made her a
favorite instructor and a role model
respected by all. She is highly
dedicated to serving her students as
well as their parents.
Sensei Kassie is a world class
competitor, earning two national titles
in katas and weapons. She is an
awesome leader who has captured the
vision of KKWG. Sensei Kassie has
an outgoing personality and loves to
be on stage. She has performed in
several stage productions in her
beloved church, Agape Family
Worship Center, and abroad.

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