Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kohai Development Plan

Kohai Development Plan

Phase 1: Modeling
Timeframe: 2 Weeks
Objective: Lay groundwork to build skill from & build his credibility with the school
Strategy: I will model the behaviors I would like to see copied and process afterwards so that he can understand what I am doing, why to do it that way, and how to duplicate it.

Skills to Cover
1. Building rapport with students and parents
2. Different types of Warm-ups
3. How to hide Repetition in a Class
4. Different ways that students learn
5. The Purpose of Character Development
6. Proper planning of a class
7. Self-Development – Bringing out the Best in People

Phase 2: Mentoring
Timeframe: 6 Weeks
Objective: Cover all aspects of Kohai Criteria & get him comfortable teaching
Strategy: Spend 4 classes with trainee doing each section of the class. 2 weeks of Line-up and Warm-up (begin here because he is most familiar with them), 2 weeks of Jellybean & closing, and 2 weeks of Curricula (finish with this because it is the most important and he needs to gain some experience before doing this aspect of the class).

Skills to Cover
1. Keeping the classroom safe
2. Effective pre-framing
3. Difference between coaching and instructing
4. Maintaining discipline and respect in a class
5. How to motivate students
6. How to explain STAR Program & get assignments done
7. Self-Development – Be a People Person

Phase 3: Monitoring
Timeframe: 4 Weeks
Objective: Raise his performance to my standard of satisfaction
Strategy: Have trainee teach entire class by himself. Now that training on the floor is close to standard needed to be a Kohai begin covering other areas of the school, Front Desk and Office. Specifically, cover how to do an info call and how to do a Goal Update.

Skills to Cover
1. How to do a Goal Update
2. How to handle objections
3. Answering the phone & Front Desk
4. Communication skills & awareness
5. Presentation for Promotion Procedure
6. Language of an Instructor
7. Self-Development – QBQ! The Question behind the Question

Phase 4: Motivating
Timeframe: 2 Weeks
Objective: Have him Pass his Kohai Test
Strategy: Continue coaching sessions to refine what has already been learned and raise teaching ability. By now, the expectation should be clear and all information covered, it is only a matter of having him perform up to the level of a Kohai.

Skills to Cover
1. Review what we’ve already gone over
2. Practice, answer questions, & build confidence
3. Self-Development – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Phase 5: Multiplying
Timeframe: Ongoing
Objective: Use him as a Part of the Organization
Strategy: Fully integrate trainee into our system. Increase commitment as far as attendance at meetings, coming more often, and beginning to learn Senpai Criteria.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Would you like to learn how to trade follow this link

Sunday, January 6, 2019

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Fiercely Beautiful: About: Hi, everybody! I want to start off by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH for visiting my blog Fiercely Beautiful. It's finally here and I'...

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